A novel probe for measuring current distribution in Wood's metal in a simulated Hall–Heroult cell

Bhunia, D and Mehrotra, S P and Shekhar, R (2006) A novel probe for measuring current distribution in Wood's metal in a simulated Hall–Heroult cell. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 115 (4). pp. 206-212.

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Current distribution in the bath and molten metal plays a major role in influencing magnetohydrodynamics in Hall–Heroult cells. However, the measurements of current distribution have not been reported, with most studies being limited to mathematical modelling. A probe for measuring the three components of current density distribution in a simulated Hall cell, which uses Wood's metal as an electrolyte, has been developed. To test the probe, extensive measurements were carried out in a simulated Hall cell, the results of which are consistent with the expectations. The new probe can also be used for measuring current distribution in the physical modelling of processes involving electromagnetic stirring such as induction furnaces, centrifugal casting and electromagnetic casting.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:DOI: 10.1179/174328506X148948
Uncontrolled Keywords:Probes; Current Density; Hall Cell; Physical Modelling
Divisions:Corrosion and Surface Engineering
ID Code:3174
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:05 Jul 2011 14:59
Last Modified:05 Jul 2011 14:59
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