Recycling of zinc from textile effluent using ion-exchange process

Jha, Manis K and Upadhyay, R R and Lee, Jae-chun and Kumar, Vinay (2006) Recycling of zinc from textile effluent using ion-exchange process. Proceedings of Fall meetings and 28th conference . pp. 67-71.

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In the present stuq.ies, ion exchange .p.rocess has .been used to r~move zinc :£Yomthe solution similar to effluent of textile industry using chelating ion exchange resin, Indion BSR'. Various parameters viz. contact time,'pH:of the -solution, resin dose etc have been studied for zinc recovery from the effluent. Extraction of zinc from the aqueous feed by Indion BSR resin was found to increase with increase in time, pH of the.soiution and resin dose. The data for adsorption of zinc with Indion BSR resin follows the Freundlich isotherm and second order rate equation. Pure zinc sulphate solution could be obtained by eluting zinc loaded resin with sulphuric acid. The raffinate could be disposed safely without affecting environment.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Zinc recovery, Rayon effluent containingzinc, ion- exchange
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:2973
Deposited By:Dr. MK Jha
Deposited On:06 Jun 2011 19:51
Last Modified:03 Jan 2012 11:09
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