Extraction of copper from sulfate leach solution containing minor metallic constituents in mixer settler unit

Kumar, Vinay and Jha, Manis K and Kumar, Manoj and Jeong, Jinki and Lee, Jae-chun (2010) Extraction of copper from sulfate leach solution containing minor metallic constituents in mixer settler unit. EPD Congress (TMS) . pp. 413-420.

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The present investigation describes R & D studies carried out for recovery of copper from the sulfate solution exp-ected from the leaching of e-wastes in presence of minor constituents such as cadmium, zinc and nickel using solvent extraction process. In order to extract copper in continuous mode in mixer settler unit (MSU),basic studies have been made to optimize the experimental condition using 5%LIX84 in kerosene. Subsequently, the solvent extr-action of copper was made in MSU maintaining leach soluti-on flow rate 4.0 L/h and A/O ratio 1. The results showed complete extraction (~97%) of copper in three stages at A/O ratio 1 from the aqueous solution containing 1.98g/L Cu at pH 1.91 in presence of impurities. Loaded metal was completely stripped after scrubbing with 10% sulfuric acid in two stages. The stripped solution could be used for met-al/ salt recovery by electrolysis/ crystallization.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http:/nmlindia.org
Uncontrolled Keywords:Solvent extraction, e-Wastes Leach liquor, Copper, Mixer settler unit
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:2963
Deposited On:06 Jun 2011 19:57
Last Modified:12 Jul 2011 16:07
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