Recovery of MnO2, values from fine dumps of Dongri Buzurg Mine of M/s. MOIL

Sutaone, A T and Ghosh, S K and Raju, K S (2000) Recovery of MnO2, values from fine dumps of Dongri Buzurg Mine of M/s. MOIL. In: International Symposium on Processing of fines - Vol.2. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 409-415. ISBN 81-87053-53-4



In the Dongri Buzurg Manganese Ore mine of M/s. MOIL, the production of high grade lumpy ores for the iron and steel industry, has resulted in accumulation of about 35,000 tonnes low grade fines over the years. These fines are stacked in the form of unconsolidated dumps. These fines contain significant Mn values, besides creating various environmentalproblems like air and water pollution, silt-ation in the adjoining agricultural fields. In addition the dumps occupy a large space, which is scarce in the mining areas. M/s. MOIL is a premier organisation in the field of manganese ore production, conservation and envi-ronmental protection, has recognised these important aspects and sponsored a sample to the ore dressing labo-ratory of Indian Bureau of Mines at Nagpur. The purpose of the study was to explore the possibility of evolving a suitable benefciation process to obtain manganese conc-entrate assaying around 72% MnO, to be used for dry batt-ery manufacture. The process developed in IBM Mineral Processing Laboratory comprised of desliming, jigging and low intensity wet magnetic separation mainly to reject quartz, silicates and jacobsite.The manganese concentrate thus produced assayed 70.2% MnO, with MnO, recovery of 78% and weight per cent yield of 63.5. This natural conc-entrate could be blended with the electrolytic manganese dioxide produced in the EMD plant of MOIL at Dongri Buzurg. This blend can be used in the manufacture of dry cell batteries. Thus the industrial application of this process should produce about 22,000 tonnes of MnO, conc-entrate. Apart from the additional financial benefit, the recovery of this valuable mineral from the dumps helps in (i) conservation of mineral, (ii) reducing the dump volume by utilisation of waste. It would also reduce air, and water pollution and make available more space at the mine site.

Item Type:Book or NML Publication
Uncontrolled Keywords:Manganese dioxide, Dry cell battery, Desliming
Divisions:Mineral Processing
ID Code:2936
Deposited On:02 Jun 2011 12:24
Last Modified:06 Jan 2012 12:31
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