Iron ore Fines and their Impact on Environment in Sandur-Hospet region,Bellary district, Karnataka, India

Rudramuniyappa, M V (1997) Iron ore Fines and their Impact on Environment in Sandur-Hospet region,Bellary district, Karnataka, India. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Processing of Fines. NML Jamshedpur, Jamshedpur, pp. 273-278. ISBN 81-87053-25-9



Sandur-Hospet region has abundant reserves oflron ores from which large amount offines are generated during mining, crushing and screening processes.Nearly 50-60% of the total burden removed is below 10 mm size and these fines are dumped at mine sites as waste. There is no syste-matic plan in preserving these fines. As demand for eco-nomic minerals increases, the mining activity will also increase resulting in generation of more fines.During the rainy seasons, these fines, carried by run off water, spread to the surrounding agricultural land there by reduce the fertility of the soil and productivity of the pedosphere and lead to deforestation. Ultimately the silt and suspended matter are transported and deposited into the near by tanks and reservoirs. The dissolved const-ituents from mining process pollute the surface and ground water of the region. In the present study, the utility of iron ore fines have been discussed in the light of many industries coming up in Sandur-Hospet sector. Various environmental impacts on land, air, water, ecological disturbances and impacton socioeconomicfabric have been discussed. In order to combat the environmental problems due to the dumping of fines as waste, several environ-mental control measures have been suggested.

Item Type:Book or NML Publication
Uncontrolled Keywords:Deforestation; Pedosphere
Divisions:Mineral Processing
ID Code:2887
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:26 May 2011 15:51
Last Modified:06 Jan 2012 11:50
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