Technology Options for Mitigation of Foundry Emissions

Tamhane, S M and Manthapurwar, N S and Hasan, M Z and Aggarwal, A L (1996) Technology Options for Mitigation of Foundry Emissions. In: Proceedings of National Seminar on Environmental & Waste Management in Metallurgical Industries. NML, Jamshedpur, India, Jamshedpur, pp. 113-124.



Foundry emissions are well defined source of air pollutants, however, only scanty information is available on actual emission characteristics of foundry units. A study on emission characterization of foundry flue gases comprising particulates, CO and SO2 was undertaken in Agra and Ludhiana. The data on operating conditions and emission characteristics of identified Indian foundry units have been compared with that of working units in other countries. Prevailing control options, their performance and relative cost analysis have been delineated for their possible adoption with reference to variation of emission scenario of Indian foundry units. Preliminary computations on energy balance across the cupola system indicate that an appropriate fIue gas heat recoverysystem, if de vised, may reduce expenditure on fuel cost and would prove to be a cost effective solution.

Item Type:Book or NML Publication
Uncontrolled Keywords:Air Pollutants; Mitigation
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:2792
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:25 Apr 2011 13:44
Last Modified:06 Jan 2012 12:32
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