Assessment of service exposed boiler tubes

Ray, Ashok K and Sahay, S K and Goswami, B (2003) Assessment of service exposed boiler tubes. Engineering Failure Analysis, 10 (6). pp. 645-654.

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Boiler tubes in power plants have finite life because of prolonged exposure to high temperature, stress and aggressive environment. Service-exposed platen superheater and reheater tubes (148,900 h) made of 2.25Cr-1 Mo steels in a 120 MW boiler of a thermal power plant were evaluated for remnant life. The investigation included hot tensile tests, hardness measurement, dimensional measurement, microscopy and creep tests. Experimentally determined yield and ultimate tensile strength, and estimated 10,000–100,000 h rupture strength in the temperature range 520–580 °C, exhibited a decreasing trend with increasing temperature. Microstructural study did not reveal any significant degradation in terms of creep cavities, cracks, graphitization, etc. Analysis of tensile and stress rupture data revealed that although there was degradation of the tubes due to prolonged service exposure in terms of the ultimate tensile strength values, stress rupture plots showed that the service exposed superheater and reheater tubes could remain in service for a length of more than 10 years at the operating hoop stress of 40 MPa/540 °C, provided no localised damage in the form of cracks or dents develop.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:
Uncontrolled Keywords:Creep; Boiler tube; Residual life; Stress rupture test; Service exposed
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:276
Deposited On:18 Nov 2009 10:55
Last Modified:08 Feb 2012 16:26
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