Boiler feed pump foundation bolts failures

Shanmuganathan, P and Ravishankar, G S and Kamesh, S V (2008) Boiler feed pump foundation bolts failures. In: Remaining Life Assessment of aged Components in Thermal Power Plants & Petrochemical Industries. NML, Jamshedpur, India, Jamshedpur, pp. 77-84. ISBN 81-87053-73-1

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Jindal Vyayanagar Steel Limited has two units of captive power plant of 2 x 130 MW capacity at their steel plant. Each unit has three (2W + 1 S) boiler feed pumps. The power plant was commissioned in 1996. The foundation bolts of the boilerfeed pumps located at discharge nozzle end were failing frequently. The base plate of the pump was also vibrating and this foundation bolt failures were attributed to the base plate vibrations. Normally the foundation bolts are expected to last till the life of the pump, a failure within 4-5 years of operation,implies too short a life. This case study was referred to TCE for the solution. This was resolved by performing stress analysis of the discharge piping of the BFP. Subsequent to this modification, the pumps are working satisfactorily.

Item Type:Book or NML Publication
Uncontrolled Keywords:Boiler feed pump; Foundaries bolt failures remaining life; Failure of engineering component
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:2694
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:22 Mar 2011 16:38
Last Modified:22 Mar 2011 16:38
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