Effective management of coke oven solid waste and by-products in steel plant

Barik, Anil (2010) Effective management of coke oven solid waste and by-products in steel plant. In: Proceedings of the XI International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT-2010), Dec 2010, NML Jamshedpur, India.

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The Iron & Steel Industry in general is one of the major contributors of environmental pollution due to the complexity of operations. Starting from mining of iron ores and fluxes and their beneficiation to coke making, iron making, steel making and rolling, various solid, liquid and gaseous pollutants are liberated which contribute to pollution. In an integrated steel plant where coke & coke oven gas are the major source of energy. Right from the receipt, unloading handling, crushing carbonization and subsequence coke handling dust & breeze is generated. The process of charging coal inside the oven, pushing & coke quenching operation generates lot of waste into kind of hot air forms, dust, breeze, coke smaller freedom. In India there is too much scope of effective management of Coke Oven solid wastes and by-products which can solve some extent, the shortage of coking coal problem for Iron and Steel Industries particularly for Blast furnace process of Iron making. This paper outlines an insight into some proven technology, process for effective management of Coke Oven solid waste and by-products.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Official URL/DOI:http://eprints.nmlindia.org/2668
Uncontrolled Keywords:Coke oven, Carbonization, Coal blend, Solid waste, Iron making.
Divisions:Mineral Processing
ID Code:2668
Deposited On:22 Mar 2011 16:41
Last Modified:19 Aug 2015 11:05
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