Studies on the In-Situ Formation of AI2O3 - SiC Ceramic Matrix Composite from Tata Steel Colliery over Burden

Pandey, P K and Dash, R R and Singh, M P (1998) Studies on the In-Situ Formation of AI2O3 - SiC Ceramic Matrix Composite from Tata Steel Colliery over Burden. In: UNSPECIFIED.



Raw materials suitable for the production of in-situ ceramic matrix composites (CMC) are scarce. In the present investigation, colliery over burden has been identified as a promising feedstock for the preparation of Al,O3-SiC CMC. Colliery minestones from Tata Steel colliery has been assessed chemically and found to contain alumina, silica and carbon. After preliminary processing of minestones, high temperature synthesis has been carried out in the laboratory-scale as well as relatively larger scale to produce CMC. The results of the investigation have shown that substantial amount of silicon carbide whiskers and particulates could be produced in the alumina matrix. Bench scale as well as larger scale production trials have been found to be successful in terms of yield of SiC and its quality. Additionally, in-situ AI,O3-SiC CMC has been found to contain carbon over and above required for the formation of SiC. Thus Al,03-SiC-C CMC has been gainfully utilised in the preparation of aluminium based metal matrix composite with distinct advantages of higher strength combined with improved ductility.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (UNSPECIFIED)
Uncontrolled Keywords:ceramic matrix; alumina matrix
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:2667
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:18 Mar 2011 14:51
Last Modified:13 Jan 2012 12:53
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