High stress abrasive wear behavior of coal mill liner materials - A model based factorial design

Venkateswarlu, K and Rajnikanth, V and Sirkar, M K and Atiquzzaman, and Sinha, D P and Das, S K (2008) High stress abrasive wear behavior of coal mill liner materials - A model based factorial design. Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science, 50 (3). pp. 151-166.

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In the present investigation, high stress abrasive wear behavior of the liner materials commonly used in coal fired thermal power plants was simulated by performing two body abrasion tests on as-received nihard 4 (NH-4), super nihard (SNH) and high chromium cast iron (HCCI) materials. The abrasion tests were conducted within a specific experimental parametric domain. Modeling of data has been carried out using multiple linear regression technique for each material, using two level factorial design methodology. The utility of the proposed model was established by validating the predicted wear results with the corresponding experimental observations. It was observed that the predicted wear results obtained from multiple regression model were in good agreement with the two body abrasion test results under simulated conditions. Owing to its high hardness HCCI showed better abrasion resistance in comparison to that of NH-4 and SNH, which is primarily due to the uniform distribution of hard M7C3 carbides within the austenite/martensite matrix.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx
Uncontrolled Keywords:Abrasive wear; ferrous alloy; factorial design; linear regression; power generation
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:263
Deposited On:12 Nov 2009 14:04
Last Modified:18 Jun 2020 10:31
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