Design and development of temperature controller for thermostat hot reference junction

Singh, R N and Das, L N (1988) Design and development of temperature controller for thermostat hot reference junction. NML Technical Journal, 30 (1-4). pp. 35-36.

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Reference junction constitutes an integral part of any thermo-couple temperature measurement system. Maintaining cold or hot reference junction at constant temperature is a pre-requisite to obtain accuracy in the measured temperature. The paper describes the design and development of a simple temperature controller to replace the bi-metallic type controller, which are either not available or obsolete, in the thermostat hot reference junctions which have been imported in large quantities along with Creep Testing Machines in the Central High Temperature Material Testing Facility.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://library/articleDetails.jsp?recordid=443
Uncontrolled Keywords:Thermo-couple temperature measurement; Bi-metallic type controller; Creep Testing Machines
Divisions:Material Science and Technology
ID Code:2330
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:06 Jan 2011 15:59
Last Modified:22 Mar 2012 16:02
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