Some particulate properties of calcined petroleum coke

Murthy, H P S and Chatterjee, A B and Sarkar, N B (1976) Some particulate properties of calcined petroleum coke. NML Technical Journal, 18 (1). pp. 6-9.

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Graded single-sieve fractions of calcined petroleum coke granules in the range -1° to +52 mesh BSS have been studied. The effects of particle size on the bulk density, crushability index, packing density and oxidation loss have been assessed. Packing characteristics of two component and three component mixes have also been studied. Calcined petroleum coke particles larger than -5 mesh BSS have been found to have inferior properties, viz. lower bulk show that packing depends not only on the weight ratio of the mix components but also on the ratio of the corresponding particle sizes. (Shri H.P.S. Murthy, former Scientist; Shri B. Chatterjee, Scientist; and Shri N.B. Sirkar, Junior Scientific Assistant; National Metallurgical Laboratory)

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://library/articleDetails.jsp?recordid=336
Uncontrolled Keywords:Calcined petroleum coke granules; Crushability index
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:2178
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:27 Dec 2010 10:20
Last Modified:16 Mar 2012 17:55
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