Characteristics of fine gold losses during processing of some copper ores

Boteva, Antoaneta (2000) Characteristics of fine gold losses during processing of some copper ores. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 42 (4). pp. 199-202.

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Gold is often associated with sulfide copper ores. Besides the copper sulfides, gold associates with the pyrite or is dispersed as emulsion within the quartz. Most often only about 50 % of the total gold present is recovered with the copper concentrate. The gold losses met in the two principal Bulgarian flotation mills - "Elatzite" and "Assarel" are characterized and discussed. Significant gold losses with the tailings of class 10 m are detected for both the plants. This is fine gold separated most often from the pyrite and the quartz during the regrinding circuits for the collection concentrates and the middling. The losses attributed to gold dispersed as emulsion economically non-feasible den to necessity of fine grinding of the whole bulk tailing. The peculiarities of the flotation behavior of fine gold are derived on the basis of the losses detected during variation of the flotation regime. An appropriate peptizing agent has also been tried. Finally a technological recommendation for reduction of fine gold losses in the copper mills final tailings are drawn.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Fine gold losses ; Bulgarian flotation mill ; Flotation
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:1913
Deposited On:08 Oct 2010 09:26
Last Modified:23 Apr 2012 16:35
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