New method for treatment of waste pickling acid

Tamaki, Kiheji (1964) New method for treatment of waste pickling acid. NML Technical Journal, 6 (1). pp. 45-49.

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About 55,000 tons of cold rolled steel sheets are produced every month at the Hirohata Works of Fuji Iron & Steel Co. Before cold rolling the hot-rolling coils are subjected to sulphuric acid pickling entailing 4500 to 6000 m3 of waste pickling acid per month. In an attempt to utilise the sulphuric acid contained in the waste pickling acid, a new process of manufacturing iron oxide and ammonium sulphide has been developed, based on the Ishihara Oxidation Method, wherein ferrous sulphide in the waste acid is combined with ammonia and air to produce magnetite with slight absorption of water. This magnetite is precipitated and filtered and its ammonium sulphite is thus recovered. Our process is a modification of the above and is characterised by the following distinct features: the waste acid is neutralised with ammonia contained in the coke gas; the ammonium sulphide produced has equally good size distribution and colour as synthetic ammonium sulphide and iron oxide is also recovered. (Mr. Kiheiji Tamaki, Chemical Section, Chemical Dept., Hirohata Works, Fuji Iron and Steel Co. Ltd., Japan)IRO

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://library/articleDetails.jsp?recordid=104
Uncontrolled Keywords:Cold rolled steel sheets; hot-rolling coils; pickling acid; iron oxide; ammonium sulphide
Divisions:Information Management and Dissemination Centre
ID Code:1684
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:24 Sep 2010 10:44
Last Modified:16 Feb 2012 15:51
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