Advance in automotive castings

Chakraborty, S P and Ghosh, S and Sivaramakrishnan, C S (1996) Advance in automotive castings. NML Technical Journal, 38 (3). pp. 113-115.

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Cast iron casting forms a vital factor in automobiles inspite of threat from alternative materials. With a view to improving the quality and reliability of cast iron components newer technologies are being adopted to produce these components with improved properties. It is well known that various grades of gray irons, spheroidal irons are in use but development in SG iron has been more pronounced to substitute steel forgings, malleable conditions. Austempered ductile irons, which are recent version of heat treated ductile irons are relatively new entrants in the automobile sector having great potential. ADI possess high strength and toughness. This paper reviews the recent developments that have taken in place in automotive castings.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Automotive casting; Malleable iron; SG Iron; Austempered ductile iron
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:1659
Deposited On:17 Sep 2010 09:51
Last Modified:27 Jun 2012 14:15
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