Utilisation of waste battery scrap

Vaish, A K and Singh, S D and Bhattacharya, A P and Ghosh, S B and Singh, O and Basak, A C and Maharaj, Lal and Ramachandrarao, P (1996) Utilisation of waste battery scrap. In: Environmental & waste management in metallurgical industries. NML, Jamshedpur, pp. 177-182.

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The waste battery scrap can be metallurgically treated to separate lead from various impurities such as sulphates, oxides and other metals in scrap. An attempt has been made to smelt the treated battery scrap for recovery of lead as well as for SO= pollution abatement.

Item Type:Book or NML Publication
Uncontrolled Keywords:Battery Scrap; Waste battery scrap
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:1541
Deposited On:13 Sep 2010 13:03
Last Modified:06 Jan 2012 12:38
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