Spectrographic determination of boron in steel by rotating electrode method

Ghose, M K and Pait, S and Kar, B C (1960) Spectrographic determination of boron in steel by rotating electrode method. NML Technical Journal, 2 (3). pp. 12-14.

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A spectrographic method employing rotating electrode and high voltage A.C. intermittent arc for the determination of boron in steel has been described in this paper. Boron in steel up to a lower limit of 0.001 per cent can be determined by this method with an accuracy of ± 5 percent of the amount present. (Mr. M.K. Ghose, Junior Scientific Officer; Mr. S. Pait, Junior Scientific Assistant; Dr. B.C. Kar, Assistant Director; National Metallurgical Laboratory)

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://library.nmlindia.org/articleDetails.jsp?rec...
Uncontrolled Keywords:High voltage A.C. intermittent arc; Boron in steel
Divisions:Director Office
ID Code:1410
Deposited By:Dr. A K Sahu
Deposited On:09 Aug 2010 13:11
Last Modified:08 Feb 2012 11:41
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