Thermomechanical processing of low carbon, IF and IF high strength steels - A few typical cases

Khatirkar, R K and Badole, R P and Vaish, A K and Humane, M M and De, P K and Paretkar, R K and Peshwe, D R and Prasad, D N (2003) Thermomechanical processing of low carbon, IF and IF high strength steels - A few typical cases. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 45 (4). pp. 161-191.

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Steel is one of the engineering materials for automobile industries. It constitutes about 60% of the weight of a typical car body. During last two and a half decades, the steel industry has undertaken the development and stable mass production of high performance, high quality steel sheets as demanded by the automobile industries. The principal properties of interest in steel sheets are strength, ductility, formability. and weldability. The control of tinal microstructure begins during solidification and proceeds during reheating, hot rolling and final transformation. Most of the steel sheets used in the autobody are in !.;old rolled and annealed condition in order to induce strength and desired crystallographic structure for formability. The hot band properties greatly atfect the finishing properties of cold rolled annealed temper rolled steel sheets. The paper discusses a few typical cases of Low carbon, Interstitial free and Interstitial free-high strength steels, elucidating the effect of thermomechanical processing on mechanical properties. (/nd Interstitial free-h igh strength.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Thermomechanical processing; Controlled rolling; Finish rolling temperature; Reheatllzg temperature; Finish deformation; Coiling temperature; Cooling rate; Low carbon
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:1302
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:26 Jul 2010 10:44
Last Modified:25 Apr 2012 11:51
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