Modern features for the optimum performance of blast furnace

Vaish, A K and Minj, R K and Marutiprasad, Y (2003) Modern features for the optimum performance of blast furnace. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science, 45 (3). pp. 103-125.

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The blast furnace technology has made signiticant progress during last three and a half decades as a result of the improvements in its design and engineering. The theme of modern technological features is to increase furnace productivity and reduce the coke rate by stabilising the furnace operating conditions. The adoption of bell-less-top charging system hw; considerably improved the controllability of burden distribution. The improvements in the design of hot blast stoves. the humidification blast and the injection of pulverised coal have also contributed in the reduction of coke rate. The developments in the qU~llityand design of refractory lining and proper cooling system have made substantial contribution for prolonging the campaign life. The improvements made in the design and practice of cast house have ensured smooth discharge of hot metal and slag at regular intervals. The developments of blast furnace sensors have greatly contributed in the furnace operating technology and controlling the process more precisely.

Item Type:Article
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Uncontrolled Keywords:Integrated control system ; Cast house ; Furnace cooling ; Campaign life ; Refractory lining ; Humidified blast ; Hot blast stoves ; Bell-less-top ; Pulverised coal injection
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:1298
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:26 Jul 2010 10:40
Last Modified:25 Apr 2012 10:27
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