Environmental degradation in an integrated steel plant: Specific measures for its sustainable growth

Vaish, A K and Goswami, N G (2002) Environmental degradation in an integrated steel plant: Specific measures for its sustainable growth. Journal of Metallurgy and materials Science., 44 (4). pp. 203-216.

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Generally iron making and steel making processes generate alarmingly large quantities of a wide variety of wastes in an integrated iron and steel plant. Various processes from ore handling to steel finishing consume substantial resources and inturn pollute the surroundings and cause environmental degradation. The generation of large volumes of solid wastes, effluents and emissions affects the productivity of the production process as well as the cost of production. Pollution load in iron and steel plant can be significantly reduced by improving the efficiency of operation and fuel saving measures. Various measures related to waste minimization, control equipments to abate emissions and effluents, treatment of waste water, utilization and recycling of solid wastes, utilization of slag and t1y ash etc. are required for sustainable growth in an integrated iron and steel plant.

Item Type:Article
Official URL/DOI:http://library.nmlindia.org/articleDetails.jsp?rec...
Uncontrolled Keywords:Environmental degradation ; Integrated steel plan ; Steel industry ; Sustainable growth
Divisions:Metal Extraction and Forming
ID Code:1287
Deposited By:Sahu A K
Deposited On:23 Jul 2010 13:10
Last Modified:03 May 2012 14:30
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